Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Well I finally figured out how to get my post up from my new computer. I have reached 257.5 lbs which is a total of a 6.5 lb loss. It's not much but considering I have not made any hugh adjustments lifestylewise....I will take it. My cousins Cheryl and Jen are much more disciplined than I am. With fall and winter coming on, I can be more active! Love that fall weather. We have a new machine at work brought in my Advanced Healthworks. It is a VibePro something or other. 10 minutes each day is working wonders on my knees. After losing my Grandma last week (two days bef9ore Grandparents Day) I am looking within to make some changes. :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Weighed myself this morning and am proud to announce a 1/2 lb loss.  Down to 256.5.  I will take it!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Weigh in delivered a number of 257.  I can live with that considering I spent 5 days in Mexico eating their food!  Shooting for 255 by next Monday.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday June 2, 2013

Happy birthday to my cousin Eric today and cousin Alicia yesterday! 

This week was a bit disappointing.  I tipped the scale at 260 on Monday which has become my weighing day.  This morning I decided to take advantage of the great weather and walk from my new house to my old house where I still feed my cats twice a day.  I don't move them because they have nothing at the new house to hid under to get out of the weather when necessary.  So I took my miniature pinscher, Allie, for a walk and we trekked the 2 mile round trip there and back.  poor Allie is really tired with those little short legs!  I however feel renewed.  Probably because the weather was cooperative and the high today is only 70 degrees and I didn't sweat to death or struggle to breathe because of the pollen, etc.  I wonder if I can commit to doing this a few mornings a week?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013 Mother's Day

When I weighed myself this week, I finally lost!  It was a 1.5 lb weight loss.  It seems like I have steadily been gaining almost .5-1 lb per week but the small loss was a glimmer of hope.  I even got in almost 10,000 steps yesterday (Fitbit said 8000 something) on a regular average day.  walking to yard sales was really helpful and I love yard sales! I got two beautiful plant stands for $5 each and they really look good in my living room. 

But today I will celebrate my Mother's Day with my beautiful Granny who at 90 years old is a breath of spring to me, my mom who leads each day with a smile on her face and embraces life to it's fullest, and my mother in law who let's no adversity stand in her way.  Earlier this week I had the pleasure of spending Thursday night dinner with my step mama whose strength is phenomenal.  Happy Mother's Day to all.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today I walked almost 12,000 steps.  I am really wore out!  Hoping tomorrow's weigh in is promising.  unfortunately I am gaining about 1/2 pound each week for the past three weeks and that is getting a bit discouraging :(  But I refuse to live on cardboard and air. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Last Monday when I weighed, I weighed in at 255lbs and 46% body fat.  So up another half a lb but down 2% body fat.....Hmmmm.  Well tonight I went to Zumba and hit 12,000 steps today which was my personal best for one day.  Hoping to lose at least 1 lb so I can get that extra point for our wellness challenge :)  Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tonight's Zumba class was great.  A little more challenging than the last class.  I believe I was just wore out to start with.  A BIG THANK YOU to my friend Mary for keeping me going.  It really helps a lot!  I didn't achieve my goal of 10000 steps today like the last day I went to class but I really enjoyed myself and always do!  I weighed in yesterday with 254.5  lbs  and 49% body fat.  I need to work on a few things and get up from my desk more.  The issue is that the work I do is a LOT of desk work.  Well I will weigh in tomorrow and we will see if I was successful at all.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Zumba baby! - April 4, 2013 Not sure how many days it is....lost track!

Weight this morning 255 with 48% body fat.  I don't get how I am gaining weight.  This is crazy!  Im committed to go to my first Zumba class tonight with friends Mary and Tracy.  We had a blast and I put in more steps during the hour of class than I had then entire day up to that point.  It also helped me to achieve 10,000 steps today which is my goal every day!  I am sure I will sleep good tonight.  thanks Mary and Tracy for the head start!  I will definitely go back.  Surely I will have lost lbs or body fat tomorrow....right?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 7- Saturday, March 23, 2013

I have been unable to post for a few days due to being at the Annual Meeting for our company.  It is a very harried time but I LOVE IT!  It is a lot of walking and I love to be of service to my co workers.  Anyway yesterday was my first day back in the office so I weighed myself yesterday morning.  It read 253 and 47% body fat.  Kind of a bitter sweet result since I felt like I walked my ass off but if the weight had to go up at least the body fat percentage went down.  I am not sure if I reported it before but it was 49%.  Today I am taking my boys to bowling along with some of their teammates so I won't get much walking in there.  I will have to find some other way.  I will keep you posted.  I bought a Fitbit and it keeps track of my activity so i can report that to you too.  Here's to a great day!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 3-Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3:58am- Can't sleep.  Can't get my mind to shut down from this crazy meeting.  Lol.  I consider helping plan this meeting a perk of my job.  It is really rejuvenating to see all our store managers, regionals, and vendors.  Think I am gonna channel this energy and do some stretching to put myself back to sleep.  Wish me luck!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 2-March 18, 2013

Well I made it through Day 1 with 300 crunches (not a single one more) and two planks for 20 sec each.  I despise planks very much and thought I was taking it easy on myself with the crunches so I was punishing myself with the planks.  Today begins the frenzy at work with the Annual Meeting this week so it will be a little harried trying to get my 30 minutes of activity in each day but I am determined! 

Weighing myself for the first time in about 2 weeks was a pleasant surprise as the scale at work tell me I am 250.5 lbs (I thought I was 254) and 49% body fat.  Well here goes nothing!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day1-Sunday, March 17, 2013

This morning as I sit in the living room of my new little house, I resolve myself to becoming thinner, lighter, and healthier.  Recently we bought a new house. It's a little house with less square footage than our prevoius home but it fulfills my dream of graduating from a trailer home.  It is sort of a rite of passage for me and at 42 years old I have spent my life working towards this goal. Anyway, having achieved this, it's time to move on to my next goal in life.  I have always struggled with being overweight and to be honest it is not a focus that I really cared about.  I do not feel I have low self esteem and have a career that I absolutely love! My drive is the co workers I serve everyday.  Their appreciation and encouragement makes what I do very rewarding.  I am not perfect at my job, but they make me feel like I am.  I strive everyday to take care of their needs.

My husband supports my workaholic drive and I love him unconditionally!  He goes by Spook and has a strong interest in fixing up used riding mowers and selling them and has a passion for hunting and fishing.  We have four sons.  Justin, Aaron, Cody, and Colby.  Justin and Aaron are both grown and spend their time in Alabama close to their mom.  Cody and Colby both still live at home and live their summers for baseball and winters for bowling.  This is my family and a little about me.

Now for my next project......   I have not been very good at eating healthy.  I love Reeses Cups and if you told me I could never have another one, I would rather die.  Instead, I have decided to use them as a reward for achieving specific goals.  I cannot see spending money on joining Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem when those techniques are at your finger tips thanks to the internet and Barnes and Noble.  I have decided to rely the support of my peers and start my journey by becoming more active.  Believe me if mental activity was a weight loss tool, I would be a size two.  Unfortunately it isn't.  When weighing myself, I think it is best to always use the same scale to not create any falsehoods or be decieved by that satanic machine.  I know there is a time when it will become my friend but right now I think I will call it Bertha.  We have a scale in the ladies room at work so I will report my first weight tomorrow morning.  Live and right here!  Your remarks and guidance are important to me so please chime in (if you can).  I need the good, the bad, and the ugly!

I will start celebrating my decision today by walking down to my old house to feed my cats who still live there.  We don't live far from it but I dont know how far it really is.  Plus I will take the back road to it to avoid walking on the main road which will be a little farther.  Once I get it measured I will let you know how far it is.

Facts- I am 5 foot 2 inches tall and expect I weigh around 254 lbs.  We will know tomorrow for sure.  My goal weight right now is 154.  Once I achieve the 100 lb mark, I expect to make a revision to that number for another smaller goal.  I will report my weight everyday right here.  Join me in losing myself!

Well, one step outside revealed I needed a Plan B for today.  The weather is not favorable and I do not have a coat here to be sufficient for my walk.  I did drive it though and measure the distance round trip taking the backroad...1.8 miles.  Actually longer than I thought.  So Plan B for today will be to put in 30 minutes of activity two times today.  I think I will do some crunches...let's say at least 300 mixed with other things.  I told. Spook about my blog I started today and told him I want to work on weight loss and he said "Whatever you want to do."  So here goes.