Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today I walked almost 12,000 steps.  I am really wore out!  Hoping tomorrow's weigh in is promising.  unfortunately I am gaining about 1/2 pound each week for the past three weeks and that is getting a bit discouraging :(  But I refuse to live on cardboard and air. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Last Monday when I weighed, I weighed in at 255lbs and 46% body fat.  So up another half a lb but down 2% body fat.....Hmmmm.  Well tonight I went to Zumba and hit 12,000 steps today which was my personal best for one day.  Hoping to lose at least 1 lb so I can get that extra point for our wellness challenge :)  Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tonight's Zumba class was great.  A little more challenging than the last class.  I believe I was just wore out to start with.  A BIG THANK YOU to my friend Mary for keeping me going.  It really helps a lot!  I didn't achieve my goal of 10000 steps today like the last day I went to class but I really enjoyed myself and always do!  I weighed in yesterday with 254.5  lbs  and 49% body fat.  I need to work on a few things and get up from my desk more.  The issue is that the work I do is a LOT of desk work.  Well I will weigh in tomorrow and we will see if I was successful at all.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Zumba baby! - April 4, 2013 Not sure how many days it is....lost track!

Weight this morning 255 with 48% body fat.  I don't get how I am gaining weight.  This is crazy!  Im committed to go to my first Zumba class tonight with friends Mary and Tracy.  We had a blast and I put in more steps during the hour of class than I had then entire day up to that point.  It also helped me to achieve 10,000 steps today which is my goal every day!  I am sure I will sleep good tonight.  thanks Mary and Tracy for the head start!  I will definitely go back.  Surely I will have lost lbs or body fat tomorrow....right?